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Services are Provided in All 50 States


Supervised Visitation involves providing parenting time for non-custodial parents with their children in a supportive, unbiased environment. Our staff works with parents to direct them on appropriate parent-child interaction. Parents have the opportunity to play with their children, eat a family dinner, assist them with homework and projects, etc. We work with parents to help them gain parenting skills and effectively communicate with their children.


Echelon Services is staffed with Visit Supervisors who are trained in a trauma informed care approach and in the dynamics of domestic violence. We provide a creative solution to visitation. Families will receive strength based reinforcement for positive parenting behaviors and gentle redirection for areas that need improvement. We offer visits seven days per week to allow for maximum flexibility for families.



Supervised Visitation Services are available to assist parents and the court in assuring the safety of children through supervised interaction between the children and adults.


There are many situations in family law cases or other cases affecting the parent-child relationship when the need arises for a professional to supervise contact between parents (or others) and their children. This service provides court-ordered, supervised parent-child visitation, and/or assists in the reintroduction of a parent into a child’s life. Parents are provided with regular and constructive feedback about their interactions during supervised visits to assist them in better meeting the needs of their children.


Echelon Services prides itself on integrity, ethical behavior, respect, and excellent service. Our objectives are to provide an independent third party witness and facilitate appropriate interactions during the visitation, property exchanges and assessments. Our goal is to provide a much needed service when families are faced with transition.



Our Role:

  • ​Maintain confidentiality and neutrality

  • Ensure that the court's directives are followed

  • Monitor safety of all participants at visits

  • Relay relevant information relating to the child's welfare between the custodial parent and the noncustodial parent at the commencement and conclusion of supervised contact

  • Facilitate appropriate visit interaction, if necessary

  • Effectively communicate with program staff on issues related to family dynamics

  • Provide constructive feedback, correction, or redirection to the parties when necessary

  • Testify in formal court hearings, when appropriate

  • Suspend or terminate any visit in which the safety of participants or staff cannot be maintained


        Echelon Services follows the proper protocol for the safety of the child and parent.  



Our Responsibility to You:

  • Protect the confidentiality of the child and parent who receive program services to the extent required by law. 

  • To maintain records according to the "Minimum Standards” and protecting location information regarding victims of domestic violence and their children.

  • Refrain from discussing individual cases except in formal court proceedings, with program staff, or pursuant to program policies with lawyers, social services agencies or parties to the case.



Echelon Services is a member of the Supervised Visitation Network (SVN), an organization consisting of over 500 visitation providers worldwide, dedicated to providing safe parental access for families. 




















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